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Follow the Constitution

The primacy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is essential to the Republic. Both Democrats and Republicans treat it as a convenience when it coincides with their desires and a hindrance when it doesn’t.

Any US government official swears an oath to the Constitution. While we can differ in some areas as to what the language in the Constitution means, the Constitution clearly outlines the judicial processes for settling interpretational differences.

Ours is supposed to be a government of laws, not of men. There is no individual who is above those laws, even when we do not like those laws; and that is particularly critical of our elected leaders. Elected leaders must follow election laws in particular; without this we are no longer a Republic.

The Bill of Rights is especially sacrosanct. Its purpose is to LIMIT GOVERNMENT, and to protect the rights of minorities from the whims of the majority. Free speech, freedom of religion and of assembly are the cornerstones of our founding ethos; freedom from unreasonable government persecution is equally vital; and the right to bear arms is the ultimate defender of those essential liberties. The Bill of Rights must be safeguarded, as our freedom depends on it.  My primary objective as your Representative will be to strengthen the Bill of Rights, to defend your liberties, and to oppose all bill that infringe on  your liberties.

The Constitution does a masterful job of dividing power into three co-equal branches:  legislative, executive and judicial.  We have to do a better job of following it.  Congress has to do its job in being the lawmaking branch of government, rather than deferring to an imperial presidency. We should all want a presidency that enforces all laws, not just the ones it agrees with, or makes up its own laws through regulatory fiat.

It makes clear, in the NINTH AMENDMENT, that our natural rights do not have to be enumerated by the Constitution to be valid.  From this comes, for example, the idea that we have a RIGHT TO PRIVACY.  Because government constantly infringes on these, despite the Ninth Amendment, we need this and other rights to be better spelled out ... but these rights already exist!

The Constitution also makes clear, in the TENTH AMENDMENT, that the federal government's authority comes ONLY from enumerated powers ... in other words, if it's not in the Constitution, they can't do it.  The Tenth Amendment makes clear that all unenumerated powers are held by the States, or by the People.  Because the federal government routinely infringes on the Tenth Amendment, it needs to be strengthened.

Amending the Constitution is difficult, and appropriately so.  But if we object to an element of the Constitution as being outdated, the correct answer is to amend it, not to violate it.

Paid for by Bob King for Texas-21
Kristin Abel, Treasurer
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