November 6, 2024
Friends and Supporters,
I want to thank each and every one of you for the friendship, support, prayers and, in many cases, the volunteer hours you invested in me and in our campaign in 2024. I was honored to have your trust, and appreciate you more than you know.
While we did not win the ultimate victory we sought, we did accomplish a lot of things, among them,
We raised more money than all other LP campaigns in Texas combined, thereby expanding our reach into groups of Republicans, Democrats and Independents who would not normally support a Libertarian candidate;
We achieved visibility in newspapers across the Texas Hill Country: in Austin, Blanco, New Braunfels and San Antonio;
We waved the Libertarian flag on six different podcasts across Texas;
We spoke to a large group of political science students at Texas State University;
We re-invigorated county organizations in Bexar, Blanco, Comal, Hays, Kendall and Kerr Counties with energy and new volunteers;
Website visitors learned about libertarian ideas more than 22,000 times;
We distributed 3,400 swag bags at “guerrilla marketing” events in eight locations around the district;
We expanded the Libertarian vote in TX-21 versus the last time we had a candidate (2020).
We outperformed the LP candidate for President in our district by more than 3x.
Having found a few silver linings, we must admit that 2+% was a disappointment. My own personal over/under was 4%, and we missed the mark. We will be studying what we did right and what we could have done better so that future candidates might learn from our experience.
What I can say without any doubt is that people are CLEARLY thirsty for better options. In my travels during the campaign, I ran across virtually nobody who was satisfied with what the two major parties are giving us in leadership, and close to half of Americans are receptive to libertarian ideas. I urge you to continue to express these ideals:
More personal liberty
More economic liberty
Smaller government
End the forever wars
Always follow the Constitution
in hopes that our friends and neighbors will wake up to the need to advance Liberty.
You might be delighted with the overall outcome of yesterday’s elections, or you might be despondent. Either way, we must now hold Republicans accountable for delivering on the promises they have made about reducing the impact of government on our lives.
I cannot thank you enough for your role in making the past eleven months a privilege, a joy and a success! Let’s continue to be happy warriors as we advocate for more human freedom that would result from smaller government at all levels.
If I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.